Government Jobs and Opportunities for Veterans that need a Background Check may have a background investigator that insists on having a separate copy of you DD214.

Jobs Requiring a Background Check

Do I Need a DD214?

For Federal jobs offering veterans hiring preference, a DD214 is required at application time to verify the dates of service and nature of a veteran's discharge. But if you are applying for a government job that requires a background check, you may be asked to supply proof of service once more to fulfill the background research, which is often conducted by an agency other than the one responsible for hiring you.

In most cases, veterans who require a replacement DD form 214 from the National Archives in St. Louis get their replacement, apply for a job and get their background checks with no problem. But some vets face a situation common to those who go on terminal leave or get their final out processing appointment at an overseas base-they apply for federal jobs while still at their overseas duty location, pack up and move back to the United States only to find they've misplaced their DD214 in the chaos of the overseas move.

For situations like these, the employer may already have their required copy of the DD214, but the background investigator may insist on having a separate copy. In these cases, it's crucial to order a replacement copy right away, explain to the investigator what's happened, and supply as much supporting evidence as possible. You should call your orderly room at the overseas location as soon as possible, they may be able to send or fax a copy of your DD214 to you or the investigator (if the DD214 is still on file at your last assignment).

In some cases an understanding may be reached about getting the replacement DD214 on file when it arrives from the National Archives. Background checks don't happen overnight, and you may have some leeway when it comes to getting your paperwork completed and filed. For more sensitive positions you may be forced to wait until your DD form 214 is in hand and on file before the hiring process can move forward again. Much depends on your individual circumstances.

The best plan is to get your replacement paperwork request filed as soon as you know your original DD214 has been misplaced. The delay between applying and getting your replacement varies, and if you've recently come back from an overseas assignment, your paperwork may be delayed further if it hasn't been sent to the St. Louis National Personnel Records Center.

Online requests and faxed versions arrive to the Records Center the fastest, those sent by FedEx or Express Mail are also good ways to get your replacement DD214 request into the processing system. Regardless of how you submit your request, the speed of delivery does NOT mean faster processing times. Much depends on the workload and how many requests are ahead of yours.

Mail or fax signed and dated DD214 replacement requests to the National Archives' National Personnel Record Center (NPRC). Most, but not all records, are stored at the NPRC.

NPRC Fax Number:

Mailing Address:
National Personnel Records Center
Military Personnel Records
9700 Page Avenue
St. Louis, MO 63132-5100

Before you contact the NPRC, carefully read these instructions and follow them to the letter.