DD214 and the NGB-22
The National Guard's DD214
Prior-service military members who want to enlist in a Reserve component or the National Guard must submit a copy of their DD form 214 as part of the entry requirements for prior service. Some military members leaving active duty and going into the Guard or Reserve take their final active duty military leave, or terminal leave, before making the transition.
Depending on your circumstances, you may be required to wait until your terminal leave ends before you get your official copy of your DD214. Military Personnel Centers are, by regulation, supposed to wait until the day of your final out processing appointment to deliver your DD214 to you. If you are able to get your "final out" before going on terminal leave, you may be able to complete a Guard or Reserve enlistment before your terminal leave ends. Otherwise you may have to wait to begin your commitment.
What Is the NGB-22?
For those who have left active service and also have prior service in the National Guard, there's another issue to contend with before being allowed to join either an active duty branch or re-enter the Guard/Reserve. In addition to submitting a DD Form 214 for prior military service, you will also be required to submit the National Guard equivalent as proof of Guard service.
The National Guard discharge document is known as NGB-22 and you won't get credit for serving in the Guard without it. For all intents and purposes, it is exactly like the DD214-the NGB-22 shows the nature of your discharge, time served and other critical information a recruiter would need to process your enlistment.
If you have lost your NGB-22, you can request a replacement copy from the National Archives in St. Louis. Follow the instructions at:
Those who need to submit a request for a replacement NGB-22 can use the same form and procedure as those seeking replacement copies of the DD Form 214. If you need to request both a DD214 and an NGB-22, it's best to submit a separate request for each document to avoid confusion at processing time--unless otherwise directed by the National Personnel Records Center.

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